When a consumer is presented with numerous options about a particular product or service, you want to be the one that they choose. But if you’re offering the same product as 10 other companies, what’s going to make you stand out? Consumers make decisions based on reliability and trust, and this is where the design of the leaflet making your offer comes into its own. Having a clear idea of the message you want to convey and who you want to respond to that message will help steer the design of your leaflet.

AIDA is an acronym for; Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. AIDA is an important part of leaflet design and is a proven framework for converting casual interest into sales.

Attracting your potential customers by being aware of what will appeal to them, and what will turn them off. This is where being clear about who your leaflet is targeted at will be important. Who is reading it? What problem do you solve for them? What language and images will engage them? The headline and lead image will be crucial in guiding the reader into the leaflet. We have mentioned the 3-second rule for catching the customer’s eye before.

Interest; Capturing your audience’s interest in your offer as soon as they pick up your leaflet. Holding their interest with relevant information and eye-catching images. This is where you help them see how well you understand their problem. Again, this relates back to them having a strong profile of who you are targeting with your products or services before starting to plan the leaflet.

Desire; The difference between interest and desire is quite a fine line. The potential customer tips from one to the other when they can envision themselves using the product or service that you are describing. Your imagery and text need to demonstrate the value of the offer to the customer. That will then move them to the next step.

Action; The previous steps are all leading your audience to want to take action. Calls to action are simple statements that let readers know what you want them to do, be it pick up the phone to call you or visit your website or place an order. It helps in determining the return on investment of a leaflet if you can make that call to action something unique to that leaflet.

This may sound like a complex process but looking at leaflets that drop through your door will show you that it works. Working with Design Print Distribution to arrive at a clear concise design for your leaflet will pay dividends. Building the relationship with your customer that leads them through the AIDA process is key to our design process. Get in touch to discuss how we can help your campaigns.